How to become an efficient bioinformatician

Part of the INF-BIOx121 course “High Throughput Sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analysis”, fall 2015

Time Speaker - topic
09:00 - 09:45

Karin Lagesen - More resources for bioinformaticians pdf

  • abel, notur, norstore
  • google fu, seqanswers, biostars etc
  • filing a bug report
  • parallelisation
10:00 - 10:45

Gard Thomassen - Research on human data: how to handle it? pdf

  • how to work with sensitive data
11:00 - 12.00

Lex Nederbragt - Thoughts on reproducibility pptx

  • command line versus galaxy and other systems
  • best practices
  • Software Carpentry
  • Data Carpentry
12:00 - 13:00 LUNCH (on your own)
13:00 - 13:30

Jon Lærdahl - How to get help with Bioinformatics from Elixir Norway pdf1 pdf2

  • includes a brief introduction to some bioinformatics resources on the web
14:00 - 14:45 Janina Fuss - How I came to say: “no thanks, I actually prefer the command line” pptx