Comparing assemblies to the reference

The Quast program can be used to generate similar metrics as the script, plus some more and some visualisations.

Quast options:

  • -o: name of output folder
  • -R: Reference genome
  • -G: File with positions of genes in the reference (see manual)
  • -T: number of threads (cpu’s) to use
  • sequence.fasta: one or more files with assembled sequences
  • -l: comma-separated list of names for the assemblies, e.g. "assembly 1, assembly 2" (in the same order as the sequence files)
  • --scaffolds: input sequences are scaffolds, not contigs. They will be split at 10 N’s or more to analyse contigs (‘broken’ assembly)
  • --est-ref-size: estimated reference genome size (when genome not provided)
  • --gene-finding: apply GenemarkS for gene finding

See the manual for information on the output of Quast:

Running Quast

Go to the assembly folder, make a folder called quast and move into it. Run this command (this is for one assembly, for examining more, add the assembly fasta files).

Run this on the velvet paired end and mate pair assembly. Choose a sensible output file name, and remember to type in the right path to the assembly. -t 3 \
-R /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/NC_000913_K12_MG1655.fasta \
-G /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/e.coli_genes.gff \
../path/to/velvet_pe_mp \
-l "Velvet PE+MP"

Note that the --scaffold option is not used here for simplification. Also, if there are multiple assemblies being compared, make sure you name the assemblies (-l) in the same order as you give them to quast!

Quast output

Quast will produce a html report file report.html. Use the file browser (Places) to find the file in the Explorer, and double-click on it. It will open the file in your browser. Hover over the row names to get a description. Also have a look at the ‘Extended report’.

Alternatively, have a look at the report.pdf file (it has a few more plots).