Assembly using SPADES

Spades was written as an assembly program for bacterial genomes, both for data from single cells, as well as from whole-genome amplified samples. It performed very well in the GAGE-B competition, see SPAdes also works well, sometimes even best, when given high-coverage datasets.

Before assembly, SPADES will error-correct the reads.


Spades can be used with paired end and mate pair data:

  • The --careful flag is used to reduce the number of mismatches and short indels.
  • For each read file, a flag is used to indicate whether it is from a paired end (--pe) or mate (--mp) pair dataset, followed by a number for the dataset, and a number for read1 or read2. For example: --pe1-1 and --pe1-2 indicate paired end data set 1, read1 and read2, respectively.
  • Similarly, use --mp1-1 and --mp1-2 for the mate pair files.
  • Spades assumes mate pairs are in the orientation as they are in the original files coming from the Illumina instrument: <– and –> (‘outie’ orientation, or ‘rf’ for reverse-forward). Our reads are in the –> and <– (‘innie’, ‘fr’ for forward-reverse) orientation, so we add the --mp1-fr flag to let SPADES know about this.

Other parameters:

  • -t number of threads (CPUs) to use for calculations
  • --memory maximum memory usage in Gb
  • -k k-mers to use (this gives room for experimenting!)
  • -o name of the output folder

Setting up the assembly

NOTE Running these assemblies will take quite a bit of time. Open a new terminal window and run this in that window. You can minimize the window to ensure that you don’t interrupt the proceedings.

First, create a new folder called spades and cd into it.We will save the output from the command using >spades.out in a file to be able to follow progress. 2>&1 makes sure any error-messages are written to the same file.

Run the assembly as follows:

NOTE Here, we use a different paired end dataset, to give SPADES more data to work with.

Choose ONE of the three below to run:

Option 1: paired end Illumina with Illumina mate Pairs:

For this assembly, we’ll tell SPADES what range of k-mers to use. -t 3 -k 21,33,55,77 --careful --memory 30 \
--pe1-1 /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/MiSeq_Ecoli_MG1655_110721_R1.fastq \
--pe1-2 /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/MiSeq_Ecoli_MG1655_110721_R2.fastq \
--mp1-1 /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/Nextera_MP_R1_50x.fastq \
--mp1-2 /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/Nextera_MP_R2_50x.fastq \
--mp1-fr -o spades_pe_mp >spades_pe_mp.out 2>&1

Option 2: paired end Illumina with MinION data:

The Nanopore data consists of so-called ‘2D’ reads sequenced with the R7 kits and chemistry, with average length 9 Kbp, giving around 54x coverage of the E. coli genome. We’ll let SPADES found out itself what range of kmers to use. -t 3 --careful --memory 30 \
--pe1-1 /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/MiSeq_Ecoli_MG1655_110721_R1.fastq \
--pe1-2 /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/MiSeq_Ecoli_MG1655_110721_R2.fastq \
--nanopore /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/MAP006-1_2D_pass.fastq \
-o spades_mi >spades_mi.out 2>&1

Option 3: paired end Illumina with PacBio data:

The PacBio data consists of raw, uncorrected filtered subreads sequenced with the P6C4 chemistry on the RS II, with average length 9 Kbp, giving around 30x coverage of the E. coli genome. We’ll let SPADES found out itself what range of kmers to use. -t 3 --careful --memory 30 \
--pe1-1 /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/MiSeq_Ecoli_MG1655_110721_R1.fastq \
--pe1-2 /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/MiSeq_Ecoli_MG1655_110721_R2.fastq \
--pacbio /share/inf-biox121/data/assembly/m141013_011508_filtered_subreads_30x.fastq \
-o spades_pb >spades_pb.out 2>&1

TIP: use this command to track the output as it is added to the file. Use ctrl-c to cancel.

tail -f spades.out

SPADES output

  • error-corrected reads
  • contigs for each individual k-mer assembly
  • final contigs.fasta and scaffolds.fasta, use the scaffolds file (!)

You can have a look at the lengths of the largest sequence(s) with

fasta_length scaffolds.fasta |sort -nr |less

Re-using error-corrected reads

Once you have run SPADES, you will have files with the error-corrected reads in spades_folder/corrected/. There will be one file for each input file, and one additional one for unpaired reads (where during correction, one of the pairs was removed from the dataset). Instead of running the full SPADES pipeline for your next assembly, you could add the error-corrected reads from the previous assembly. This will save time by skipping the error-correction step. I suggest to not include the files with unpaired reads.

Error-corrected read files are compressed, but SPADES will accept them as such (no need to uncompress).

Changes to the command line when using error-corrected reads:

  • point to the error-corrected read files instead of the raw read files
  • add the --only-assembler flag to skip correction