Comparing assemblies to the reference ===================================== The Quast program can be used to generate similar metrics as the assemblathon\ script, pluss some more and some visualisations. +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Program | Options | Explanation | +===========+===================+===============================================================================================================================+ | Quast | | Evaluating genome assemblies | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | -o | name of output folder | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | -R | Reference genome | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | -G | File with positions of genes in the reference (see manual) | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | -T | number of threads (cpu's) to use | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | sequences.fasta | one or more files with assembled sequences | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | -l | comma-separates list of names for the assemblies, e.g. "assembly 1", "assembly 2" (in the same order as the sequence files) | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | --scaffolds | input sequences are scaffolds, not contigs. They will be split at 10 N's or more to analyse contigs ('broken' assembly) | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | --est-ref-size | estimated reference genome size (when not provided) | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | --gene-finding | apply GenemarkS for gene finding | +-----------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ See the manual for information on the output of Quast: Running Quast ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TIP: log in to the cod3 server using the ``Y`` flag with ``ssh``: :: ssh -Y This becomes useful at the end. Set up quast: :: module load quast/3.0 On the server, make a folder called ``quast`` and move into it. Then run: :: -T 2 \ -o out_folder_name \ -R /data/assembly/NC_000913_K12_MG1655.fasta \ -G /data/assembly/e.coli_genes.gff \ ../path/to/assembly1.fasta \ ../path/to/assembly2.fasta \ -l "Assembly 1, Assembly 2" Note that the ``--scaffold`` option is not used here for simplification. Also, make sure you name the assemblies (``-l``) in the same order as you give them to quast! Quast output ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Quast will produce a html report file ``report.html``. If you have logged in to the cod3 server using ``ssh -Y`` you can now type :: cd out_folder_name firefox report.html Otherwise, download the report *and* the ``report_html_aux`` folder to your PC and open the ``html`` file in your browser. Hover over the row names to get a description. Also have a look at the 'Extended report'. Alternatively, have a look at the report.pdf file (it has a few more plots).